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Roman Hřebecký

Roman is neither a headhunting specialist nor a recruiter. And yet despite this, quite a few people have started their new jobs thanks to his team, Pábení .

You see, what Pábení does and knows how to do is marketing. Thorough marketing, based on real values and hard data, that it applies in hiring campaigns.

First it realizes and properly names what’s exceptional about a company—its ambitions and goals. Then it identifies and describes the stances and decision-making processes of potential employees and compares them with the state of the given market. It also gains insight into the company’s hiring and adaptation processes. And finally it gives the HR team the courage to change what makes sense to change, and teaches it lots of tricks and skills for doing that effectively on its own.

All Sessions By Roman Hřebecký

How do you form the right expectations with your recruiting and save nerves, money and dignity?
8. 11. 2017 15.45-16.30
“We want to gain people’s interest. Stand out from the ranks of other companies. Tempt in new people. You see, we’re growing like crazy. Those are the typical orders that come to us at Pábení. They’re usually from IT and consulting firms. In Brno. We reply: “Forget about ninjas on billboards. Just tell people what they’ll be doing, how much you’ll be giving them for it, and what your team is like, and how you’ll be doing your onboarding. Fairly. When you over-motivate people right at the start, you burn too much money on balancing out their expectations.