Milan Hrabovský
Milan Hrabovský is an experienced manager, whose years of work for an international corporation proved to him that it is possible to keep people and teams satisfied and successful even at times of constant pressure to reach targets and at times of company restructuring and acquisitions. He finds it motivating to work with people, as it helps him constantly develop his skills. On a long-term basis, he has been interested in solving conflicts between people as well as teams, in team dynamics and situation management. At the QED Group, he is responsible for business development, the development of Sociomapping, coaching, and workshop management for top leaders.
At the EVOLVE! Summit, Milan will guide you through the Sociomapping method which is used even by the NASA to monitor the behaviour of its teams. Thanks to this method, you will be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of team functioning and to get the team functioning optimally and efficiently based on this analysis. Come and see the method which has had great success with the QED’s projects for NASA as well as other global companies interested in team relations.