Bill Boorman
Bill never wears a suit and he always wears a hat. He has a simple vision to make recruitment better for everyone. Bill works towards this by advising talent technology companies on their product road map, with V.C.’s over investments in the sector, with hiring companies on technology and approach, and by hosting #tru events.
#Tru have hosted over 100 events during the year 2013, in 65 countries and 5 continents. Nowadays their events take place almost every week of the year, throughout the globe. This has led to conversations with over 2,500 people who work in and around recruiting across the globe. This gives him a great insight in to the market, and the technology needed to support it.
Bill is privileged to be a judge and advocate for the UK #CandE (candidate experience awards.) which enables him to understand how the market is shifting towards giving candidates a consumer experience, and which companies are performing well. He blogs regularly, produce monthly white papers, and his first book “The Cult Of Work”, is was published in 2014.
He‘s Dad to 2 fantastic kids who inspire him in all he does. He can’t describe what he does as work, he‘s having far too much fun for that. John Sumser has described him as explosive chaos, and China Gorman as the “King of Social Recruiting.”
Bill’s specialties: Social Recruiting Integration and Infrastructure, Key-note speaking, Recruiting Technology, Recruitment Marketing,Digital Media, Brand Advocacy.