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Balazs Paroczay

Balazs Paroczay is a globally recognised Sourcing Strategist who is running a boutique sourcing advisory called Edlington (edlington.co). His major focus is on helping large corporations build and develop their sourcing capability.

Strategy and Innovation at Randstad Sourceright and the Manager of the EMEA Recruitment Centre that employed some 100 multinational sourcers and recruiters covering most of the major industries and countries in the EMEA region. Prior to joining Randstad Sourceright, Balazs worked in various corporate, RPO and Direct Hire leadership roles.

Balazs has nearly fifteen years of sourcing experience under his belt and is passionate about talent acquisition, discovering innovative resourcing tools and solutions and creating best-in-class talent resourcing strategies. He excels at social networking and plays a significant role within the global sourcing communities as a well-recognized sourcing thought leader.

All Sessions By Balazs Paroczay

Sourcing DIY session
8. 11. 2017 14.50-15.35
People aggregators and other Chrome plugins – no doubt sourcing is the game of recruiting magpies. We all love to play with shiny objects. But did you know that many sourcing tools can be, basically, created by you? You don’t always need to buy tools (or register for free every week with a new fake email account :D). You can make yourself many of them! It’s not that difficult… In this very hands-on session Balazs Paroczay, Sourcing Strategist and Founder of Edlington will guide you through some of those sourcing tools that you can create to automate searches, build massive data visualisation or create a Boolean string repository etc. Don’t join this session without your laptop – some serious sourcing is ahead!
Strategic Sourcing session
9. 11. 2017 16.00-16.45
Building a successful sourcing function can be seen as a simple exercise. Here is the regular receipt: hire a few experienced sourcers, buy some LinkedIn Recruiter seats and tell your recruiters that they can now stop booleaning. Olala, the sourcing SWAT team is here! The vast majority of corporations start building a sourcing function just like this… and then no one understands why things do not turn into a sourcing nirvana. Why do we still struggle to fill our roles if we have these experienced sourcers? why do we still need to pay for tools, advertisement and sourcing licences? why do we still run more-or-less the same Time-to-Fill? why are the Hiring Managers still not our best friends? Building a well-working sourcing capability is probably one of the most difficult and complex gigs in recruiting.