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Live podcast Nelidské zdroje

Podcast called Nelidské zdroje is well-known all over our country and belongs among the best Czech podcasts in our field. This project was founded by two great HR experts, Matěj Matolín and José Kadlec, who bring regular interesting insights in the recruitment world and “non-human resources” while adding funny comments. All those who know this podcast are well aware of the fact that they are really entertaining. Matěj and José have decided to film one episode of Nelidské zdroje directly at the EVOLVE! Summit, so make sure you come and see how the podcast is created.

(CZ) Founder at GoodCall & Recruitment Academy

(CZ) Head of HR at STRV, Recruitment Blogger

Event Hours(1)

  • 15.50 - 16.20

    Matěj Matolín & Josef Kadlec