Czechs & Change: How to Handle It Smartly and Effectively
Let’s explore together how working Czechs perceive change, how they (don’t) handle it, how they (don’t) embrace it, and how they (don’t) think about it. We live in a BANI world—Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, & Incomprehensible. The only constant is change.
The business environment is fast-paced, overwhelming, and we grapple with new technologies and their (non)impact on our daily work, searching for ways to create value, stay competitive, and avoid losing our sanity. Czech culture does not particularly love change and our initial reaction is often resistance and rejection of the new. However, Czechs are also very creative. This paradox is most visible in situations where leaders manage to reframe or bypass initial resistance and move into the creative phase. The results can be worth it. Unfortunately, in many organizations, change is communicated inadequately, without context, or in a directive manner. And most importantly, without addressing the initial, rejecting phase. Let’s look at how to approach change smartly and effectively, and in doing so, develop the creative potential and willingness to venture into the “unknown” among our people.
What will you take away from the presentation?
- How to shape your mindset towards change and influence your environment
- How to quickly and successfully move from the initial phase of resistance to the creative phase
- A better understanding of what others go through during significant changes and how you, as a leader or colleague, can handle it effectively