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Can Skill Based Hiring Solve the Employee Shortage?

You may have already heard or read about Skill Based Hiring. It is widely used in the USA, Western Europe, and Australia. This modern recruitment approach emphasizes real skills and abilities of candidates rather than their formal education or degrees. In the Czech Republic, we see some companies moving towards this type of hiring, but they still have not fully tapped into the potential of this methodology.

Ivana Židová from LinkedIn’s European headquarters will bring this topic to Brno. You will learn why this hiring approach is so popular in some parts of the world and discover both the advantages and disadvantages of this method. With her work at LinkedIn, Ivana has access to the latest market data and surveys, offering a unique perspective on current trends. Find out why Skill Based Hiring is the future and how you can use it in your company to attract the best talent.

Innovation stage 9:45 – 10:20

LinkedIn Senior Account Executive